How did it all started?

I was my first patient and I started to apply step by step everything I learned to leave behind many extra pounds.

Asztalos Andreea-Doriana

About Nutrition and Dietetics

Dietetics is an internationally recognized medical branch and present in Romania for a short time. Dietetics is a particular dimension of nutrition, which deals, specifically, concretely and in detail, with diet and other aspects of eating behavior.
If the nutritionist manages the medical diagnoses, the dietitian starts from the nutritional diagnosis and reaches the nutritional prescription, always compatible with the prescription of a nutritionist and other doctors who manage the case (oncologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, etc.).
On the other hand, the dietitian can diagnose nutritional status, independently or in collaboration with a nutritionist and can manage concrete nutritional interventions: oral, enteral, parenteral diet plans, can prepare menus, can make detailed assessments of food intakes, questionnaires or surveys quantitative and qualitative food

Specialty Nutrition and Dietetics
Studies UMF Tg. Mureș
Zone of expertise Diets for
  • gaining weight
  • loosing weight
  • various pathologies
  • during pregnancy
  • after birth
Degree licensed
Gender Female
Languages Română, English


  • Nutritie si dietetica - Consult
    250 LEI
  • Nutritie-Consult si plan de alimentatie personalizat
    350 LEI
  • Nutritie-control Monitorizare periodica
    150 LEI
  • Nutritie-Control si modificarea planului de alimentatie
    300 LEI
  • TELE-Nutritie si dietetica - Consiliere
    250 LEI
  • TELE-Nutritie-Consiliere si plan de alimentatie personalizat
    350 LEI
  • TELE-Nutritie-control Monitorizare periodica
    150 LEI
  • TELE-Nutritie-Control si modificarea planului de alimentatie
    300 LEI

Medical Education

Galenus medical center

Private medical services, structured in specialized outpatient clinics, medical imaging, medical analysis, clinical trials, occupational medicine and others.

The key to managing stress is managing your life and turning it into realistic expectations of your daily challenges.

— Josh Billings
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