Szalai Martin

About psychology

Psychology is the science that deals with the study of the psyche, the law of mental processes (cognitive, affective, volitional) and the person’s mental attributes (character, temperament, etc.).

Short description

    Specialty Psychology
    Studies UMF
    Zone of expertise
    •  psychotherapy
    • clinical hypnosis and ericksonian therapy
    • educational psychology
    • vocational counselling
    • work and organizational psychology
    • applied psychology in the field of national security
    • transport psychology
    Gender Female


    • Psihologie - Aviz medical - Permis port-arma
      2000 LEI
    • Psihologie- Alte manopere
    • Psihologie-consiliere scolara
      2000 LEI
    • Psihologie-consiliere vocationala
      150 LEI
    • Psihologie-Dezvoltare personala
      250 LEI
    • Psihologie-Documente necesare in sistemul judiciar
      2000 LEI
    • Psihologie-Hipnoza clinica Ericsoniana
      250 LEI
    • Psihologie-Pachet Dezvoltare personala(10 sedinte)
      2000 LEI
    • Psihologie-Pachet Psihoterapie-4 sedinte
      2000 LEI
    • Psihologie-psihologia muncii si organizationala
      2000 LEI
    • Psihologie-psihologia transporturilor
      2000 LEI
    • Psihologie-Psihologie educationala tineret
      2000 LEI
    • Psihologie-Psihoterapie
      300 LEI
    • Psihologie-Psihoterapie de cuplu
      400 LEI
    • Psihologie-Psihoterapie de familie
      400 LEI
    • Psihologie-psihoterapie recuperare
      2000 LEI
    • Psihologie-Psihoterapie-Pachet 10-15 sedinte
      2000 LEI

    Medical Education

    Galenus medical center

    Private medical services, structured in specialized outpatient clinics, medical imaging, medical analysis, clinical trials, occupational medicine and others.

    The key to managing stress is managing your life and turning it into realistic expectations of your daily challenges.

    — Josh Billings
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