Dr. Man Lidia

Despre pediatrie

Pediatrics is a medical specialty that deals with the study and treatment of diseases encountered in children. The treatment of these diseases is different from that of adults. Specialists are pediatricians.

About Pediatrics

    Specialty Pediatrics
    Studies UMF Târgu Mureș
    Zone of expertise Ultrasound of
    • the hip
    • the transfontenal
    • the abdomen
    Degree Primary Medic
    Gender Female


    • Ecografie generala copii (abdomen)
      150 LEI
    • Pediatrie - Alte manopere
    • Pediatrie-Consult + ECO medic primar
      250 LEI
    • Pediatrie-Consult medic primar
      200 LEI
    • Pediatrie-Control medic primar
      100 LEI

    Medical Education

    Doctor MedicUMF Tg. Mureș

    Advanced Training in PediatricsPostgraduate Course

    Applied Course in Allergology and Clinical ImmunologyPostgraduate Course

    Bacterial Pharmacoresistance - mechanisms and practical implicationsPostgraduate course

    Neonatal resuscitation, Post-resuscitation care of the newborn

    News in paediatrics

    News in infant and child nutrition

    Galenus medical center

    Private medical services, structured in specialized outpatient clinics, medical imaging, medical analysis, clinical trials, occupational medicine and others.

    The key to managing stress is managing your life and turning it into realistic expectations of your daily challenges.

    — Josh Billings
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