Dr. Csiszer Iren

About ORL

Otorhinolaryngology abbreviated ORL and also known as otolaryngology, otolaryngology – head and neck surgery (ORL–H&N or OHNS), or ear, nose, and throat (ENT), is a surgical subspecialty within medicine that deals with the surgical and medical management of conditions of the head and neck.

Doctor summary

    Specialty ORL
    Studies UMF Târgu Mureș
    Zone of expertise
    • Speech therapy
    • Ultrasound
    • Audiometry
    • Endoscopic Surgery
    • Laser ORL
    Degree Primary Doctor
    Gender Female
    Language Română, English, France, Magyar


    • consult in vederea obtinerii permisului de conducere (A, A1, B, B1, B2, BE)
      50 LEI
    • Exercitii pentru tulburari de vorbire( sedinta)
      100 LEI
    • Interventie chirurgicala
      2000 LEI
    • ORL- Alte manopere
    • ORL-Audiograma
      200 LEI
    • ORL-Consult copii medic primar
      200 LEI
    • ORL-Consult medic primar
      200 LEI
    • ORL-Consult pentru patologie de somn
      300 LEI
    • ORL-Consult+Endoscopie medic primar
      300 LEI
    • ORL-Control copii medic primar
      100 LEI
    • ORL-Control medic primar
      150 LEI
    • ORL-Ecografie de laringe
      200 LEI
    • ORL-Ecografie glande salivare
      200 LEI
    • ORL-Ecografie sinusuri
      200 LEI
    • ORL-Endoscopie medic primar
      200 LEI
    • ORL-Inpedansmetrie
      200 LEI
    • ORL-Spalatura auriculara medic specialist (1 ureche)
      100 LEI
    • ORL-Tratament foniatric+evaluare
      200 LEI
    • Probe vestibulare, probe de echilibru
      300 LEI

    Educatie medicala

    Doctor DoctorUMF Târgu Mureș

    Al 10- International Congress of Medical Students and Young DoctorsCluj Napoca

    The 5th Medical Conference on neoplasia, The Challenge of the 21st Century. Eugen Nicoară Municipal Hospital, Reghin

    International Rhinoplasty CoursePostgraduate Course - Amsterdam

    Esophageal Cancer PathologyPostgraduate Course - UMF Târgu Mureș

    Clinical AudiologyPostgraduate course - Budapest

    Galenus medical center

    Private medical services, structured in specialized outpatient clinics, medical imaging, medical analysis, clinical trials, occupational medicine and others.

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