Under contract with the insurance company

We are pleased to inform you that Dr. Ilcus Ioana-Roxana offers services that are deductible through the insurance company.

Dr. Ilcus Ioana-Roxana


Dermatology is the branch of medicine dealing with the skin. It is a speciality with both medical and surgical aspects. A dermatologist is a specialist medical doctor who manages diseases related to skin, hair, nails, and some cosmetic problems.

Doctor summary

    Specialty Dermatology
    Studies GM
    Zone of expertise
    • Dermato-cosmetology
    Gender Female


    • Dermatologie - Alte manopere
    • Dermatologie - Biopsie cutanata
      300 LEI
    • Dermatologie - Crioterapie (azot lichid) - 1 leziune
      50 LEI
    • Dermatologie - Crioterapie (azot lichid) - 4 leziuni
      80 LEI
    • Dermatologie - Crioterapie (azot lichid) - 5-10 leziuni
      150 LEI
    • Dermatologie - Crioterapie (azot lichid) - peste 10 leziuni
      250 LEI
    • Dermatologie - Electrocauterizare (1 leziune)
      200 LEI
    • Dermatologie - Electrocauterizare (leziuni multiple)
      350 LEI
    • Dermatologie-Consult copii medic primar
      300 LEI
    • Dermatologie-Consult medic primar
      300 LEI
    • Dermatologie-Consultatie + dermatoscopie - medic primar
      400 LEI
    • Dermatologie-Consultatie + dermatoscopie copii - medic primar
      400 LEI
    • Dermatologie-Control copii medic primar
      200 LEI
    • Dermatologie-Control medic primar
      200 LEI

    Medical Education

    Galenus medical center

    Private medical services, structured in specialized outpatient clinics, medical imaging, medical analysis, clinical trials, occupational medicine and others.

    The key to managing stress is managing your life and turning it into realistic expectations of your daily challenges.

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