• If you have any questions

    We are at your service at our clinic or by phone! Do not hesitate! 0365 915
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  • Doctors Timetable

    We believe in organizing and capitalizing on our own time. At GALENUS, we offer you the planning of doctors.
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  • Working hours

    • Outpatient
    • Monday - Friday
      7.30 - 21.00
    • Medical analysis
    • Monday - Friday
      7.30 - 15.30
    • Occupational medicine
    • Monday - Friday
      7.30 - 15.30
    Read more

Welcome to virtual GALENUS

The project ``GALENUS Medical Center`` has the privilege to be the first PRIVATE MEDICAL CENTER from Tg. Mureș, managed over time by different entities.

Starting with 2019, the project was restarted in a modern form of management, with a cell development strategy, bringing many improvements, which primarily focus on the patient’s need. Enjoying the support and trust of a strong team with great experience, together with a medical staff passionate about their work, the Galenus medical center is constantly developing new partnerships, new collaborations.

The location of the medical center is now on Gheorghe Doja Street, no. 19-21. Our objectives are to continue this project through development, strategy and increasing involvement in the Tg community. Mureşean.

Since its establishment, the GALENUS Medical Center has become a local and national renown in various specialties. Medical practice, professionalism, equipping the center with modern technology is the main goal to provide high quality medical services.

    • 10 JANUARY 2021
    • 0
    Un doctor, un inginer și un arhitect

    Un doctor, un inginer și un arhitect

    Încep cu o întrebare pentru cititori: Ce au în comun aceste 3 meserii? Pentru a răspunde, voi începe cu un mic context asupra acestei întrebări. Centrul Medical GALENUS este un proiect medical din Târgu Mureș, care a reușit de-a lungul anilor să fie un pionier în multe aspecte, pentru că face parte din cultura domeniului

    • 14 APRIL 2020
    • 14
    Testarea COVID-19 la Tg. Mureș, prin Centrul Medical GALENUS

    Testarea COVID-19 la Tg. Mureș, prin Centrul Medical GALENUS

    De la 10 testări COVID19 pe zi, la o capacitate de 1000 testări zilnice.
    Nevoile pacienților noștri, ne-au determinat să găsim soluții tot mai eficiente și mai bune.


specialist doctors,
mayors and teachers,
available with CAS Mureș!

authorized specialties
in a specialized outpatient clinic


people supervised by us,
through Occupational Medicine


types of medical tests
through authorized laboratories

    • Outpatient specialty (polyclinic)

      Outpatient specialty (polyclinic)

      Provides a wide range of reliable laboratory and imaging services

    • Occupational Medicine

      Occupational Medicine

      Provides a wide range of reliable laboratory and imaging services

    • Telemedicine


      The newest service offered by the Galenus medical center is the option to receive counseling and a limited form of medical recommendations, through TELEMEDICINE. With the Galenus LINE stream, you can get in touch with a doctor in a safe and easy way.

Doctor list

The doctor is a person who deals with the prevention, recognition, therapy and consequences of diseases and accidents. The large number of diseases, as well as the large number of possibilities to treat them has determined the division of human medicine into several specialties.
At GALENUS Medical Center, you will be able to identify over 27 authorized specialties in the specialized outpatient clinic.

  • In case of emergency, call 112!

    Please keep in mind we value your privacy!

  • Trimite-ne un mesaj
  • Str. Gheorghe Doja nr. 19, Tg.Mures

    See the doctors schedule for more information

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